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Tuesday, January 12, 2010


As you all probably know, exercise is so important! It keeps you strong and healthy both physically and mentally. It keep your body in shape and toned, helps you maintain the weight you feel comfortable at. It keeps all those internal bodily functions performing properly. I highly recommend a treadmill for those days when going outside to walk is not inviting. I find I can listen to the radio, read a book or have my 'kindle' read to me, or just meditate. I know there are lots of different machines out there, one just needs to find their favorite. The treadmill is easy...
Remember to drink your water, add a slice of lemon, cucumber, orange or lime, which helps me drink more water.
Also a great tip from my daughter, bring along a protein bar for those times when your energy is lagging. Make sure it is low in fat and that you like it, read the labels, I eat half a bar with water or hot tea and it works great giving just enough energy to make it to lunch or dinner. Lately I have been enjoying fresh fruit mid afternoon for my snack, my favorite is Fuyu persimmons, pink lady apples, clementines, bosc pears. YUM!

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