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Saturday, February 27, 2010


(U C Berkeley Wellness)
Sometimes I do question whether it is safe to eat something that may have a tiny bit of mold on it, my motto is 'when in doubt, throw it out'! The following is a helpful guide.

Can you cut off the bad art and eat the rest? Some molds are safe, some harmful. The molds that are an essential part of blue cheeses are safe, but the fuzzy molds on some foods can be toxic. Molds on grains are generally the worst. Mold toxins can't be destroyed by cooking.

Don't buy any produce with mold on it.
Keep foods refrigerated - that discourages mold.
Keep produce dry and wash it only when ready to eat it. Moisture promotes mold.
Throw out moldy bread and grain products, moldy meats, nuts, peanut butter or other type of nut butter, soft cheese, yogurt, jams, syrups, applesauce or other canned fruits, leftovers, and soft fruit such as melons or peaches.
Discard small fruits if moldy, if a few berries are moldy, it's OK to eat the rest but look them over carefully.
It's OK to cut a small area of mold out of a large hard fruit or vegetable, such as an apple, potato, cauliflower, or onion. But cut widely.
It's OK to cut mold off hard cheese which has less moisture, cut at least an inch away from the mold. Discard if very moldy.

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