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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Green Exercise

 It is so much more exhilarating to walk outside in the woods or on a beach! You don't even need a walk man to occupy your mind. (probably because you are watching out for bears)!

(Berkeley Wellness)
Exercise is good for your body and mind. But exercising in nature can be especially restorative, recent research shows.
Lately, researchers have been looking at what happens to our brains and bodies when we’re walking in a forest, in the mountains or by the sea. The study of such “green exercise” usually falls under the umbrella of environmental psychology (or ecopsychology). The Japanese, in particular, have been studying what they call “forest bathing” (Shinrin-yoku)—that is, spending time in nature for thera­peutic effects.
Studies have found, for instance, that people do better on tests involving memory or attention after trekking through the woods than after walking in a city. People have increased vitality (that is, physical and mental energy) and a greater sense of well-being after walking through a tree-lined river path than after walking indoors. Other studies have even found that patients in hospitals tend to recover more quickly when they can see trees from their windows.
The proposed benefits of green exercise include giving the brain a respite from the multi-tasking of everyday life. If you enjoy hiking, you know that you become more aware of your surroundings—the sounds, smells, colors. Time slows down. Somehow this refreshes the brain and makes thinking clearer. Japanese researchers have found that walking through forests can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure and heart rate, and improve various aspects of immune function for anywhere from a few hours to a few days afterwards—while walking in a city does not. They suggest that various airborne chemicals emitted from plants may play a role.
All it takes is 5 to 20 minutes of green exercise to boost mood and energy levels somewhat, some research has found, though longer forays in nature produce greater benefits. Other studies indicate that there’s a “third-day effect”—a special stage of relaxation and mindfulness that occurs after a couple days of hiking. Being out of the range of cell phones and email may be a factor, too.
Not everyone enjoys hiking or can do it, of course. Other green exercise activities—by the shore or even in a city park—may be your thing. Find what kind of environmentalist you are, and enjoy.

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